A MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) is an individual, confidential meeting with a mediator which can take place at our office in Bromley or via Zoom. We provide free MIAMs for those who are eligible for legal aid. 

It is chance to find out more about using mediation as a way of sorting out child arrangements and/or property and financial matters if you are separating or divorcing. You will be able to explain the issues and background to your situation. 

The mediator will explain :

  • What your options might be
  • What mediation is, and how it works
  • The benefits of mediation and other appropriate forms of resolving disputes
  • The likely costs of using mediation
  • Whether you are eligible for free mediation and Legal Aid
  • The suitability of your situation for mediation

In most cases a MIAM is required before applying to the family court for a matter related to separation or divorce. The courts encourage parents to work things out together, where possible, with help from an accredited mediator. 

Once you have both had a MIAM an appointment can be made for you to attend a joint meeting at a convenient time.

Mediation FAQs

The first meeting with a mediator is called a Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM). 

The MIAM gives you the chance to find out how mediation works. Mediators are trained to work out with you whether mediation is right for you and your family. They will also discuss how many sessions you may need, how much they would cost, and explain whether you might get legal aid to pay for mediation.

The mediator can also give you information about other services that provide help and support and the other options you might have to resolve things.

If you want to take your case to court, it is now – in most cases – a legal requirement to attend a MIAM. The other person involved is also expected to attend a MIAM, but they don’t have to go to the same meeting as you.

There are exemptions that mean you might not have to go to a MIAM. It can also be agreed at the MIAM that mediation isn’t right for you. There are a range of options available for resolving family disputes so, even if mediation isn’t right for you, court isn’t the only other option.

 A MIAM is an individual meeting. Both parties need to have a MIAM meeting in order to proceed to a joint session.

The first meeting, and mediation sessions which follow, may cost you nothing if you get legal aid. The mediator will help you work out if you can claim legal aid.

Our fees are subject to VAT and charged per person, per session and are paid in advance of your meetings

Our MIAMs cost £90 including VAT

We charge an admin fee of £30 for signing court forms.

If you’re on a low income you may be able to get legal aid to help pay for one or more of:

  • The Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM)
  • Mediation sessions
  • Legal help in support for mediation

If your case isn’t suitable for mediation, in some circumstances you might get legal aid for other sorts of legal help.

Legal aid may be available to one or both of you and each person will be assessed separately. Even if only one person qualifies for legal aid, both will have the fee for the MIAM and the cost of the first full mediation session covered.


“Family disputes that are resolved through mediation are cheaper, quicker and according to academic research, less acrimonious than those that are settled through the courts.”

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